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Jazykové dovednosti : Čeština Název práce : Vacancies
Informace o společnosti : GREENFIELD CARGO
Země Turkey
Město Istanbul
Náplň práce: Dear Candidate, This is to officially inform you about an ongoing Aviation vacancies in Istanbul-Turkey. If interested, kindly supply below requirements for further consideration; UPDATED CV.............. DESIRED POSITION(S)................. EXPECTED MONTHLY SALARY IN USD....... Warm Regards, MANAGEMENT.
Požadované znalosti/dovednosti: 1. Hold A Bachelor's Degree 2. At Least 3 Years Experience
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Typ zaměstnaneckého poměru: Plný úvazek

Platové zařazení Nespecifikováno

Země Turkey

Město Istanbul

Náplň práce:
Dear Candidate,

This is to officially inform you about an ongoing Aviation vacancies in Istanbul-Turkey. If interested, kindly supply below requirements for further consideration;

UPDATED CV..............
DESIRED POSITION(S).................

Warm Regards,

Požadované znalosti/dovednosti:
1. Hold A Bachelor's Degree
2. At Least 3 Years Experience

Musíte být registrovaným uživatelem, chcete-li odpovědět na tuto nabídku.
Prosím Registrujte se zde. Naše služby jsou zdarma pro uchazeče
Pokud jste se již zaregistrovali, prosímPřihlásit se zde
Pošlete tuto nabídku přátelům
* *

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Informace o společnosti
Společnost Vaše jméno
GREENFIELD CARGO Nespecifikováno
Adressa Země
İncirtepe Mh.Okurlar Cd. Ncity St.A Bl Istanbul , Turkey
telefon Fax
+905 315 151 709 Nespecifikováno
Webové stránky E-mailová adresa
https://greenfieldcargotr.com/en [email protected]

Through years of working in the logistics services sector in various countries and the world, Greenfield Cargo has sought to provide air and sea freight services in Turkey and to be the reliable logistical support for its customers in Turkey.

Our trained employees and the extension of our branches around the world are the main source of customer service, knowledge and development, along with the trust given to it by its customers, which has made Greenfield Cargo a global company racing against time in order to maintain the confidence of its customers and their needs.
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