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This service is absolutely for free. You can use this feature and promote your new destinations, or new services as well as achievements and promotions in your company. Our Web administrator will approve your news within 24 hours.
We will make sure that your news is seen by the top decision makers around the aviation world!

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From the date of registration you publish unlimited jobs for free.
 – 1 Year Premium Membership. We will tailor our best offer that will enable you to publish unlimited jobs and view unlimited contacts for one year.

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Our Jobs Newsletter is sent every third day to thousands of potential candidates. This service is absolutely free of charge for you.

Top Jobs:

If you want that your jobs are listed as Top Jobs, please send us request at: [email protected]. Please indicate which job you want to be listed as a Top job. This service is paid service. Price will depend on how many jobs you want to be listed as Top Job.

Search the database:

You can view part of the profile of the candidates registered in our database. However, if you want to view the contact details you should use the button at the end of the profile "Buy the contact info". If you want to have unlimited access to the database, please send us your request at: [email protected] and we will respond within 24 hours.

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Send us your request for Candidate Search and we will try to find the most suitable candidates for your open positions. Through our world-wide GSAs and Rep. Offices we are able to find potential candidates world-wide.

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