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Aviation Trainings

Aviation Marketing

This course concerns a professional approach, innovative marketing functions, and further development of the aviation industry. The participants will learn more about best practices and commercial trends. We will enhance your focus on customer needs, preferences and experience. After completing the course, you can develop a professional portfolio of services and establish a long-term partnership with stakeholders in the aviation industry.

Acquired knowledge, skills and competencies by the learner after completing the training course:

  • Knowing the evolution of airports over the years
  • Recognising the elements and complexity of the modern airport
  • Skills for planning specific objectives, situations, opportunities and resources
  • Professional negotiation skills to attract new airlines
  • Improving the existing portfolio of services
  • Ensuring long-term contracts and a high collection rate
  • Application of the PESTEL Model
  • Knowledge of the elements of market segmentation
  • Knowledge and application of various marketing analysis methods
  • Preparation of a marketing plan

The training is based on different training methods such as simulations, exercises, work with peers, individual work, case studies, etc., to develop a highly effective training procedure. Finally, the program concludes with reflections on what the participants have learned and an action plan to help them apply the insights they gained during the program.

Contact: [email protected]

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