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Press-release - Air Finance outlook and market beyond COVID-19
Air Finance outlook and market beyond COVID-19
16 July 2020

Hosted by CAPA Chairman Emeritus Peter Harbison the discussion will welcome: Air Lease Corporation, Executive Chairman, Steven Udvar-Hazy, and Independent Advisor / Former DVB Board member, Bertrand Grabowski, as they discuss a range of topics facing the industry.

If you would like to watch the recording of the session, use the link below to enter the Masterclass at any time.

Please also feel free to share the link with colleagues, they will just need to register to access the recording.

WEBCAST LINK:  https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2446675/D7B5C454880F9EC4C9F0BD214DA0361E?mode=login&[email protected]


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