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Aviation Trainings

Competency-based HR Management model at airports

Competency-based HR Management model at airports is an essential tool for leaders in aviation. It provides an objective basis for building all the activities related to people management. This training aims to prepare the People manager and leaders at different levels for leading. It gives leaders the confidence to ensure business sustainability and strategic development. The training provides a good understanding of people management processes based on developing competency profiles. It also enhances some of the most critical competencies contributing to organisational development.

The program will provide answers to questions such as:

  • How to apply the competence-based approach?
  • How to build effective processes in the organisation?
  • How to create an effective people management procedure?
  • Main tips on how to prepare a people management budget.
  • How do we measure engagement and performance?
  • How to make effective staff selection, administration, measurement, training and performance?

The training is based on different training methods such as simulations, exercises, work with peers, individual work, case studies, etc., to practice highly effective people management tools. The program concludes with reflections on what the participants have learned and an action plan to help them apply the insights they gained during the program.

Contact: [email protected]

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