How secure is your job?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 722)
I lost my job already.
I still have my job.
I had to change my job.
I might lose my job soon.
How long recovery from COVID-19 will take?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 240)
1 Year
2 Years
3 Years
4 Years
5 Years
Flight disruptions happen all the time. What are the most common flight delay reasons?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 1293)
Passport Control at the airport
Airport Security Lines
Extreme Weather
Heavy traffic volumes
Aircraft Maintenance
Crew problems
Baggage / Cargo loading
Do you think women's earnings are lower than men’s in the aviation sector?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 183)
I am interested in the following topicks:
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 51)
The dark side of high performance
Collaborative Decision Making
Psychology of Risk Behaviour
Dark side of Leadership
Power & Influencing for HR professionals
Coaching skills
Consulting Skills
CEO Effectiveness
How many female Directors and Executives do you have in your company?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 58)
Less than 5%
Between 5% and 30%
Between 30% and 50%
More than 50%
What factor do you consider causes most stress for Cabin Crew?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 331)
Irregular working shifts & long haul flights
Difficult or demanding passengers
Low salary and unfair employment conditions
Do you think that by 2050 robots will cover 30% of the human being duties in the aviation industry?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 234)
Yes, I think it will happen.
No, the technology needs more development.
I am not sure what to answer.
Would you fly with low cost or full service airline if the price difference is 200 USD?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 91)
Yes, for sure.
No, I prefer to have my comfort.
I am not sure what to answer.
Would Malaysian airlines Flight MH17,which was shot down near Ukraine-Russia border affect the aviation recruitment?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 94)
Yes, for sure.
No, not at all.
I am not sure what to answer.
Arel the aviation experts going to be better paid in the future?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 83)
Yes, for sure.
No, I dont believe.
I hope so, but I am not sure.
What Type of Mobile Phone Do You Use?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 62)
Old Cell Phone
Who is hiring in the aviation?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 116)
Airlines in Middle East
Airlines in Europe
Airlines in Asia
Airlines/Airports in Africa
Airlines/Airports in North America
Airlines/Airports in South America
Is aviation really just a men’s world?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 262)
Do you think that there should be more women in the Board of Directors of airlines and airports?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 403)
Do you think there is a lack of industry standards for a wide range of positions and coordination between industry, education and governments?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 156)
Do you have a HR strategy and action plan for the next 20 years?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 112)
we are going to develop a strategy
Do you have difficulties to find skilled aviation manpower?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 34)
For some positions yes, for some not
Why do you publish jobs using online portals?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 336)
It is easy and comfortable!
I believe we will find quickly potential candidates.
For us it is important that our company name is constantly presented on the job market.
Do you believe that airlines entering into a partnership will have more opportunities in generating customers?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 180)
Probably but not a lot
Are you happy in your work?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 211)
No, not at all.
Sometimes happy, sometimes unhappy
Do you feel the financial crisis in your company?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 391)
Are internationally minded employees that can cope with the cultural differences easy to find?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 130)
Yes, it is very easy.
No, it is not easy.
I am not sure.
How do you feel about our website?
Ergebnisse: (Insgesamt: 132)
Outstanding Services
Great, but can be even better
Nothing better from the rest
Lack of information
I will never visit again