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Language : Pусский Название вакансии : ICAO / EASA English Language Proficiency Test for Pilots
Информация о компании : MT GlobalExperts
Страна: Germany
Город: Frankfurt
Обязанности: Book your English Language Proficiency Test in a training academy in Burgas, Bulgaria for only 170€. In addition you can spend some nice days at the beautiful Black Sea. There are different recovery packages at Grand Hotel Pomorie. Send us your request to: [email protected]
Необходимые требования Windrose Training Academy is an English Language proficiency Test Center, licensed by the CAA of Bulgaria. We work in cooperation with Lenguax, using their TEAC system. The Test of English for Aeronautical Communication (TEAC) is a plain English for Aviation language testing system designed to assess the English language proficiency (ELP) of aviation personnel for ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements compliance. The TEAC is a human interaction test between 1 candidate and 1 examiner, and takes approximately 30 minutes. Test tasks are focussed as much as possible on contexts relevant to a candidate’s aviation role and experience. It is not a test of operational knowledge, but operational contexts and technical references are used to make sure that the ELP being assessed is appropriate. Tests are produced with aviation professional input, and performances are assessed by 1 aviation professional and 1 language expert. The TEAC complies in all respects with the Test Service Provider requirements contained in ICAO Document 9835 ‘Manual on the implementation of the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements’ (ICAO 9835), and EASA Part FCL.055 and related, published AMCs 1, 2 and 3. Send us your request to: [email protected]
ICAO / EASA English Language Proficiency Test for Pilots ,
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ICAO / EASA English Language Proficiency Test for Pilots ,
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ICAO / EASA English Language Proficiency Test for Pilots

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Book your English Language Proficiency Test in a training academy in Burgas, Bulgaria for only 170€.

In addition you can spend some nice days at the beautiful Black Sea. There are different recovery packages at Grand Hotel Pomorie.

Send us your request to: [email protected]

Необходимые требования
Windrose Training Academy is an English Language proficiency Test Center, licensed by the CAA of Bulgaria. We work in cooperation with Lenguax, using their TEAC system. The Test of English for Aeronautical Communication (TEAC) is a plain English for Aviation language testing system designed to assess the English language proficiency (ELP) of aviation personnel for ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements compliance.

The TEAC is a human interaction test between 1 candidate and 1 examiner, and takes approximately 30 minutes. Test tasks are focussed as much as possible on contexts relevant to a candidate’s aviation role and experience. It is not a test of operational knowledge, but operational contexts and technical references are used to make sure that the ELP being assessed is appropriate.

Tests are produced with aviation professional input, and performances are assessed by 1 aviation professional and 1 language expert. The TEAC complies in all respects with the Test Service Provider requirements contained in ICAO Document 9835 ‘Manual on the implementation of the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements’ (ICAO 9835), and EASA Part FCL.055 and related, published AMCs 1, 2 and 3.

Send us your request to: [email protected]

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MT GlobalExperts
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