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Limbi vorbite : Romanian Pozitia : ATR 42/72 B2 EASA Licenced Engineer
Detalii companie : Protec Technical Ltd
Tara United Kingdom
Oras Portsmouth
Responsibilities: Protec Technical Ltd urgently require an EASA B2 ATR 42/72 Licensed Engineer for a base maintenance contract in an attractive location in Southern Europe. The pay rate offered is a very competitive. You must be current on type. This is a base maintenance role offering a minimum 50 hours per week. The contract offers a fantastic long-term opportunity of 6 months+. Attractive accommodation with a gym and pool [summer only] is provided Flights at start/end of contract provided. Please forward your CV to [email protected] As this is based in the EU, you must have the right to live and work in the EU at the time of application which is essential*
Required skills: EASA B2 Licenced on type
ATR 42/72 B2 EASA Licenced Engineer ,
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ATR 42/72 B2 EASA Licenced Engineer

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Tip de angajare Freelancer

Salariu estimat To be Discussed

Tara Spain

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Protec Technical Ltd urgently require an EASA B2 ATR 42/72 Licensed Engineer for a base maintenance contract in an attractive location in Southern Europe. The pay rate offered is a very competitive.

You must be current on type.
This is a base maintenance role offering a minimum 50 hours per week.

The contract offers a fantastic long-term opportunity of 6 months+.
Attractive accommodation with a gym and pool [summer only] is provided
Flights at start/end of contract provided.

Please forward your CV to [email protected]
As this is based in the EU, you must have the right to live and work in the EU at the time of application which is essential*

Required skills:
EASA B2 Licenced on type

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Companie Your Name
Protec Technical Ltd Nu este specificat.
Adresa Tara
21-23 East Street Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Telefon Fax
+44 (0)1329 232221 +44 (0)1329 223225
Pagina web Adresa e-mail
http://www.protectechnical.co.uk [email protected]

Protec Technical is a Recruitment Company to the Aerospace and Defence Sectors. Based on the South Coast of England we recruit for Airline Companies allover the World. Protec Technical recruit for, Maintenance Engineers licensed and unlicensed, Operations staff and Pilots.
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