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Sprache : Deutsch
Job Titel : A330 EASA B1 Engineers
Firmendaten : Protec Technical Ltd
Land: United Kingdom
Stadt: Portsmouth
Aufgaben: B1 A330 engineers without time on type will be considered if they have time on A320.
Protec Technical are seeking A330 EASA B1 Licensed Engineers for a Line Maintenance and Flying Spanner contract in Southern Europe. There will also be opportunities to be based in other locations including USA, Asia, South America, Middle East as well as other European Stations.
We are seeking those who hold A330 Trent 700/GE type-rating and recency on type. A320 experience with A330 rating will also be considered.
There is a choice of roster including 20/10 or 21/21 with minimum 56 hours per week.
Attractive accommodation is offered
Flights at start and end of each rotation is provided back to domicile
The next Quality Assurance week commences 10th February 2025
Please send your CV to Neilsen on
[email protected]
*As this is based in the EU, the right to live and work in the EU at the time of application is essential*
Erforderliche Fähigkeiten Engineers must be EASA B1 Licenced and current on type.
A320 experience along with A330 rating will be considered if engineer does not have time on A330.